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Showing posts from February, 2020

the dispatch 4

ready set teach aid rescues student  cyn'torreya smith is a teacher aid for a second grade class at baranoff elementary on mondays and wednesdays. on december 4, she had to use the heimlich maneuver on a student choking at lunch.  1. cyn'torreya, kelly langdon, moxie maxwell, jamie maxwell, kris higgins 2. "my advice for anyone who has to preform the heimlich is to jump in. you never know when you could save a life."  3. yes, because i went to baranoff and i wanted to know why she had to use her cpr skills 4. quote  cable cutters switch to streaming since so many people are switching from cable to streaming, people want to know which streaming service is the best. according to katie holmes, the best ones are  netflix and hulu.  1. no one 2. there were no quotes 3. yes because i have all of these services and my family just cut cable so i wanted to see if her opinion was the same as mine 4. statement  silver stars start competition seas

sports current events kobe bryant memorial: full coverage of the tributes at staples center this article this about the tribute of kobe and gianna's death at the staples center. highlights included the performances from beyonce and alicia keys, vanessa bryant spoke for the first time after kobe's death and three of the biggest basketball stars spoken about gianna and kobe. there were no sports jargons "and yes, sometimes, like immature kids, we argued. we fought, bantered or insulted each other with off-handed remarks. our feud. but make no mistake, folks thought we were on bad terms, when the cameras were turned off, he and i would throw a wink at each other.” this article was a feature story because it focused on the lives of kobe and gianna bryant.  the article handles names of players by mentioning them and their relationship to kobe then writing about what they miss/loved about him. 

sports exploration activity

1. volleyball 2. 3a. standford 3b. wisconsin 3c. baylor 3d. minnesota 3e. nebraska 4. 23 wins to 4 losses, made it to the ncaa regionals, standford won ncaa volleyball title 5. 6 players on the floor at one time      players cannot hit the ball twice in succession      ball may be played off the net during a volley and on a serve 6. wipe: when a hitter pushes the ball off the opposing block so it lands out of bounds.     double hit: 2 or more hits or contacts on the ball by the same player      ace: a serve that is not passable and results immediately in a point. 7. only girls play volleyball. volleyball is more common for girls to play, but is played by both boys and girls  8. karch kiraly. born in santa barbara california and went to santa barbara high school. a part of ucla bruins and the us national team. won a gold medal at the 1996 olympics. 

magazine cover 2

magazine cover #1

magazine cover

portrait: self portrait:

portraits and self portraits

portrait: self portrait:

infographics and illustrator

Line Chart Infogram