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the dispatch 4

ready set teach aid rescues student 

cyn'torreya smith is a teacher aid for a second grade class at baranoff elementary on mondays and wednesdays. on december 4, she had to use the heimlich maneuver on a student choking at lunch. 
1. cyn'torreya, kelly langdon, moxie maxwell, jamie maxwell, kris higgins
2. "my advice for anyone who has to preform the heimlich is to jump in. you never know when you could save a life." 
3. yes, because i went to baranoff and i wanted to know why she had to use her cpr skills
4. quote 

cable cutters switch to streaming

since so many people are switching from cable to streaming, people want to know which streaming service is the best. according to katie holmes, the best ones are  netflix and hulu. 
1. no one
2. there were no quotes
3. yes because i have all of these services and my family just cut cable so i wanted to see if her opinion was the same as mine
4. statement 

silver stars start competition season with hard work 

the competition season for the silver stars has just started. but it took lots of hard work for the team to get where they are now. 
1. jade fattouh, lauryn armstrong, leanne bilnoski 
2. "even though during the season it can be difficult at times, i am so appreciative for the opportunity and being able to learn so much
3. yes because i am interested in silver stars and want to be part of their team 
4. quote 

juniors step up as little league coaches 

atticus kohler is a little league baseball coach. 
1. atticus kholer, marc kholer, caden cooper, 
2. "watching every kid get better and seeing where they started and where they finished was really fulfilling and made me feel proud as a coach."
3. yes because it is interesting that someone can be a little league coach as a high schooler. 
4. quote 

global human rights violations and social issues lead student activists to take action by advocating on a personal level

timeline of the biggest activist moments in the 2010's. 
1. malaka beg, jake stachura, kam magor, rachel chambers, 
2. "it's like a fire that fuels you and then you can rest knowing you've helped people and you've changed the world"
3. not really because i am not really interested in activism 
4. quote 

1. my favorite picture was the picture of the girl on the horse
1a. i like this picture because the lighting is good and it is not blurry 
2. my least favorite picture is the one of cyn'torreya and moxie 
2a. it's my least favorite because it is not candid
3. i would have liked to take pictures of the silver star and jv stars competition because i like to take dance photography
4. overall i think the photography was pretty good and i would rate it 8/10. my only thing is that i wish there were more candid photos. 

1. my favorite graphic was the choking one 
1a. i liked it because it was easy to understand
2. my least favorite graphic was the chick-fil-a one 
2a. i didn't like this one because it was kind of vauge
3. i would have made the chick-fil-a one more clear and i would have added more than the lgtbq flag and a chick-fil-a logo
4. overall i think the graphics we good and really descriptive. i would give this a 7/10. 


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