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sports exploration activity

1. volleyball
Image result for longhorn volleyball team logo

3a. standford
3b. wisconsin
3c. baylor
3d. minnesota
3e. nebraska
4. 23 wins to 4 losses, made it to the ncaa regionals, standford won ncaa volleyball title
5. 6 players on the floor at one time
     players cannot hit the ball twice in succession
     ball may be played off the net during a volley and on a serve
6. wipe: when a hitter pushes the ball off the opposing block so it lands out of bounds.
    double hit: 2 or more hits or contacts on the ball by the same player 
    ace: a serve that is not passable and results immediately in a point.
7. only girls play volleyball. volleyball is more common for girls to play, but is played by both boys and girls 
8. karch kiraly. born in santa barbara california and went to santa barbara high school. a part of ucla bruins and the us national team. won a gold medal at the 1996 olympics. 


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