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Showing posts from November, 2019

the man who played violin in the subway

1. i think people perceive beauty as what they want. we as a society are always told "beauty is in the eye of the beholder." what one person sees as an average painting, someone else could see as the most complex and well-done painting in the world. this can be applied to anything; people, music, dance, etc... but in a common workplace at an unexpected hour, i think that people tend to overlook it to focus on getting work in time. i know that personally when i am in a rush, or focused on anther task, i tend to over look everything around me and just zero in on that one task. and i feel that others feel like this too. in the article, many people didn't notice the violin player because they were too focused on their personal lives to stop and enjoy the beauty of the music right in front of them. 2. i think that we do not stop to appreciate the beauty around us especially in places where beauty doesn't seem to be common. beauty can be found in unexpected places, and if

feature story

the decision, the trip or the result 1. ishwar dave 2. uma dave, neelam kulkarni 3. immigration to united states from india 4. first hand experience 5. a. what is your name and how do you spell it     ishwar dave b. why did you decide to immigrate to america     for studying at youngstown university c. who sponsored your trip      sanat parikh d. what was your relationship to them      my father-in-laws student e. when did you immigrate     december 18 1970 f. where did you immigrate to     i arrived in new york, kennedy airport and then i flew to pittsburg pennsylvania    g. did you have any problems     there was a little bit of struggle because at the kennedy airport my connecting flight to pittsburg from the kenedy airport was cancelled. so then i had to go to the laguardia airport. now when i came to this country, the foreign exchange i had was only $8 that's all i had. i had one suitcase, of the baggage or luggage and $8 that's all i had. and then at t

current event quiz 3

1. 143 years 2. over 400 3. court of criminal appeals 4. 36 yards 5. me by billy joel 1. kanye west spoke to a church in houston about how he has found jesus and how god was always on his side even when he made some questionable decisions. he also preformed at churches around the country for free.  2. when he was hospitalized after a mental breakdown in 2016 3. no 4. i don't know, but christian rap sounds interesting  5. religon, perils of fame, money, going to church as a child, strip clubs and the devil 6. no 7. i do not think west is a changed man because the stuff he writes and the music he sings has no correlation with what he is saying about loving jesus and always having god by his side.

feature writing preview

1. a hard news lead tells more facts about the story while this one try's more to hook the reader into reading it 2. who- 2 what-2 when-3 where-2 why-3 how- 3 3. yes 4. no, there are a couple paragraphs in between each quote 5.  kevin mcloughlin, doral chenoweth III, ken andrews, tony florentino, shane cormier, ted williams 6. "my boss said to me: 'if you don't get him hired, you're fired,'" 7. 33 8. 756 9. they are each only a couple of words 10. to keep the reader interested in the story 11. yes 12. yes 13. i felt satisfied because now i had heard this one-in-a-million voice 14. a bit 15. not really 16. he only really described the impact the voice had on others, but i didn't feel like he described the actual voice

commentary brainstorm

1. tired- homework and dancing late at night happy- victorious now on netflix nervous- silver star auditions 2. getting all a's this six weeks  improving in ballet getting along with my family 3. grades dance not letting anyone down  4.  not being featured on martha's instagram  homework having no free time 5. sleep the office  new headphones  6. their personal lives making sure kids are learning setting a good example for everyone 7. kids getting good grades in their classes being someone's favorite teacher getting thank you notes 8. friends some of my classes responsibility  9. drugs flushing food down the toliet vaping 10. victorious is on netflix and it was one of my favorite shows when i was younger so i've been watching non stop :)