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feature story

the decision, the trip or the result

1. ishwar dave
2. uma dave, neelam kulkarni
3. immigration to united states from india
4. first hand experience
a. what is your name and how do you spell it
    ishwar dave
b. why did you decide to immigrate to america
    for studying at youngstown university
c. who sponsored your trip
     sanat parikh
d. what was your relationship to them
     my father-in-laws student
e. when did you immigrate
    december 18 1970
f. where did you immigrate to
    i arrived in new york, kennedy airport and then i flew to pittsburg pennsylvania   
g. did you have any problems
    there was a little bit of struggle because at the kennedy airport my connecting flight to pittsburg from the kenedy airport was cancelled. so then i had to go to the laguardia airport. now when i came to this country, the foreign exchange i had was only $8 that's all i had. i had one suitcase, of the baggage or luggage and $8 that's all i had. and then at the kennedy airport, i asked around when is the next flight, and they said well if you wanna catch the next flight, you have to go to laguardia airport, and the bus faire was $6 or something ike that, i don't remember. but i got on the bus, went to laguardia airport, and i took a flight to pittsburg. and at pittsburg, sanat, my sponsor, who came to pick me up he was looking for me but since he was looking for the flight i was scheduled to come to pittsburg, but since i changed the plans, in those days, i didn't have cell phone, and i didnt know how to use the public phone, i didn't have any change, so i couldn't call in from laguardia airport to let him know that im arriving in pittsburg in a different flight. but anyways, i got to pittsburg and finally, i was looking for him outside, so i kinda stepped out of the airport, in the passenger pick-up area, and i didnt see him anywhere and he was looking inside so it was little bit of struggle in a way to get connected, but i did find him and he found me actually, and i went to his apartment in those days he was living in pittsburg in ingram. so that was in december, 1970 around christmas time
h. what was your first job in america
i. what was the process like to get your green card
j. what were the biggest differences between america and india
    the very first thing that different thing that i noticed was the food. the indian food tasted different. the bread tasted differently. and the food that i was used to eating. so in the beginning i really didn't like the toast or the bread. but i had to get used to it because i had made up my mind that coming to us i was gonna study im gonna get a degree im gonna get a good job. in india you don't need to buy heavy winter coats but since i was going to go to youngstown where it gets really cold in january.
they showed me how to make a meal in the apartment using canned foods
k. what was the process like to get your green card
l. how did you learn english
m. why did you move from pennsylvania to houston
n. what were the biggest differences between texas and pennsylvania
o. who did you go with
p. when did you move to texas
q. how did you move to texas
r. how often did you visit india
s. do you like living in america
t. is there anything you would like to add

a. what is your name and how do you spell it
b. why did you decide to immigrate to america
c.  how did you get to america
d. how did you learn english
e. what was the process like to get your green card
f. what was the process like to get your green card
g. what were the biggest differences between texas and pennsylvania
h. what was your first job in america
i. do you like living in america
j. is there anything you would like to add

a. 74000 indian immigrants move to sugar land tx (where they live now)
b. 6% of indians under the age of 18 immigrate
c. 80% of indians 18-64 immigrate
d. 73% of immigrants are in management, business, science, and art jobs
e. 38% of indian immigrants immigrated before 2000

8. i plan to conduct the interviews sometimes during the week next week
9. at my grandmother's house
10. i will probably record the interview then write it out onto a google doc


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