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welcome 2020

Two-year-old James Gambill of Cartersville navigates his way through Georgia lawmakers as he waits for his father, Rep. Matthew Gambill, a Republican, to be sworn in during the first session at the State Capitol building in Atlanta on Jan. 14.
i like this picture because the little kid stands out against the tall adults in dark blue suits

Hope Hicks, the former White House communications director, leaves following a closed-door interview with the House Judiciary Committee in Washington on June 19.
i like this picture because it has nice symmetry

In the Syrian desert outside Baghouz, a woman resumes her journey after being screened by the U.S.-backed Syrian Democratic Forces on Feb. 25. She and her infant were among hundreds of civilians in a series of mass evacuations from the last sliver of the countryĆ¢€™s territory still held by ISIS.
i like this picture because of the light behind the woman and how it makes her the vocal point of the picture

favorite song from 2019:
pretty girl by clar
Image result for pretty girl clairo album cover
pretty girl by clairo

i chose this song as my favorite because the lyrics are relatable and the song overall has a nice sound to it. i also like how it's not too popular or overplayed and how not many people know much about it.

favorite movie of 2019:
Image result for toy story 4
toy story 4

i chose toy story 4 as my favorite movie because toy story has always been a big deal in my family and going to see it with my mom and sisters was such a fun experience. i also liked how the movie ended with woody reuniting with bow peep i thought that was so cute.

most important news event:
Image result for fires in brazil
amazon fires

i think the amazon fires were a big deal because the amazon is home to millions of animals and is the biggest rainforest and provides a lot of oxygen for the world. also the fact that nobody really knew about it made it a bigger thing when people started to find out.

most important person:
Image: Swedish activist Greta Thunberg participates in a youth climate change protest in front of the United Nations Headquarters in New York City, New York
greta thunberg

i think greta thunberg was the most important person because of her efforts to change global warming. at just 16 years old she was leading her own protests and sailing to other countries to speak out for what she knew was right. she is incredibly brave and smart.

entertainment story:

Image result for college admissions scandal lori loughlin daughter
college admissions scandals

i think the college admissions scandals were the biggest entertainment story because it seemed so unbelievable. nobody thought that anyone, especially celeberties like lori loughlin would pay to get their children into college. 

something i did over the break was my family and i went to disney world. it was really fun. we went on christmas day too which made it even more magical! we did all the star wars stuff too and it was definitely worth geting up at 5 and spending over 12 hours at the park.

my resolutions for the new year are to be healthy, become a better dancer, and be more confident in meeting new people and making more friends. also to be a good driver.

this year i am excited to go to nationals in florida with my dance team. i am really excited to finish 9th grade and get my drivers licence! ahh! 


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