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Showing posts from January, 2020

magazines part 2

image based magazine covers- the most common magazine cover these magazines use photographs of real life objects on the cover. most often they are one or more people, looking at the camera and smiling. these are mostly found on celebrity and fashion magazines. but it is not always people. sometimes it can be landscape or pets or inanimate objects. illustration based magazine covers- these are the oldest magazine covers, since in the 1800s, photographs were not easily accessable. the most recognizable magazine that still uses illustration based magazine covers in the new yorker. illustration based magazines are mostly used now to show something funny or different. type based magazine covers- they're not as common as the other two but they are used to show shocking news. the big fonts and crazy headlines are used to grab readers attentions and get them to want to read the story in the magazine. handwritten and calligraphy have become more popular within type based magazine covers

favorite cover

favorite Jessica Fecteau created this Vogue cover with bold lines and angles that traverse the model’s face and hand. Although she executed it digitally, the red and turquoise strips look like face paint with colors that match the masthead. this magazine cover is my favorite because i like the bold colors on the woman's face. to me this says she is a fierce strong and independent woman who can get things done. this is shown by the face the woman is making. the slight head tilt up to me shows like she is confident, especially with her eyes on the camera. i wish that the lines on her was made with real face paint for authenticity but other than that i really like this cover. 

best covers

1. formal 2. formal 3. enviromental 4. enviromental 5. enviromental 6. informal 7. informal 8. informal 9. formal 10. enviromental 11. enviromental 12. enviromental 13. informal 14. enviromental 15. informal 16. informal 17. formal 18. informal 19. informal 20. enviromental 21. enviromental 22. informal 23. informal 24. informal 25. informal 26. informal 27. informal 28. enviromental 29. informal 20. informal 30. informal 31. informal 32. informal 33. informal 34. informal 35. informal 36. informal 37. informal 38. informal 39. informal 40. informal 41. environmental 42. environmental 43. informal 44. environmental/informal 45. enviromnental 46. informal 47. environmental 48. informal 49. informal

magazine tips

1. make the cover eye-catching and something that grabs your attention 2. arouses curiosity 3. i ntellectually stimulating, interesting   4. efficient, fast, easy to scan 5. stands out from other magazine covers

portrait and self portrait

1. move your subject out of their comfort zones 2. a mirror or some other reflective surface offers an even easier way to take a self-portrait 3. take a series of shots i like this picture because i think the reflection in the window is very cool  i like how the bright background reflects the guys mood  i like this picture because its a clever way to take a mirror selfie i like this picture because it is another clever mirror selfie i like this picture because i like the lights behind her and in her glasses i like this picture because it is unconventional and i like how the girls pants stand out for my portrait, i was planning on doing either a dance photo or a headshot of a friend from dance. i want to do it at a park, but we will see if i have time to go to a park. to make my shot successful, i will do multiple different shots to see what works best and i will experiment will lighting. for my self portrait, i am leaning towards a dance photo, b

prompt shoot 2

happy metal square bowie

aperture, shutter speed and iso

aperture f2.8 aperture f16 or higher 1. the eye 2. the smaller the aperture the more narrow the depth of field is, the larger the aperture the wider the depth of field is 3. smaller aperture=narrow depth of field fast shutter speed slow shutter speed a. slow b. slow c. fast d. fast e. fast f. fast a. slow b. slow c. fast d. fast e. slow f. fast auto- camera is automatically set to this speed shutter priority- you choose shutter speed and camera chooses aperture manual- you choose shutter speed and aperutre iso 3200 iso6400 1. to get clear pictures of the athletes  2. use low iso as much as possible even when shooting in low light 3. only use high iso when needed and to fight motion blur


photo manipulations and ethics

1. most of the things i read about in the article regarding manipulation in photos was to either take someone out of a photo/put someone in the photo and to change the appearance of someone. 2. the philosophy for newspapers like the new york times and the washington post are that they only change small physical appearances to enhance/disenhance a person and they don't rearrange people's bodies and heads like other magazines do. other than that, both companies use minimal photoshop.  3. i think photoshopping becomes unethical when big physical changes are made, like changing someones body type or when people are taken out of pictures. i think small things like removing a blemish or changing the lighting of a photo is okay but should be used very cautiously. most unethical: i think this picture is the most unethical because when time magazine published this magazine, it changed the way people viewed oj simpson. and i am not saying he is innocent, but by changing the lightin

welcome 2020

i like this picture because the little kid stands out against the tall adults in dark blue suits i like this picture because it has nice symmetry i like this picture because of the light behind the woman and how it makes her the vocal point of the picture favorite song from 2019: pretty girl by clar pretty girl by clairo i chose this song as my favorite because the lyrics are relatable and the song overall has a nice sound to it. i also like how it's not too popular or overplayed and how not many people know much about it. favorite movie of 2019: toy story 4 i chose toy story 4 as my favorite movie because toy story has always been a big deal in my family and going to see it with my mom and sisters was such a fun experience. i also liked how the movie ended with woody reuniting with bow peep i thought that was so cute. most important news event: amazon fires i think the amazon fires were a big deal because the amazon is home to millions of animals and is