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Showing posts from October, 2019

current event quiz 2.2

1. a cascade of republican house members publicly called for him to step down from his leadership role 2. liberal 3. their terms end later than others 4. help k-12 school counselors identify their students' career goals and find pathways to achieve them 5. 33 yards 1. many people are angry with president trump right now because he used the word lynch to compare the impeachment process to an actual lynching. 2. lynch is hanging someone without a fair trial 3. lynching became a popular thing in the late 19 century not long after african-american slaves were freed. lynching was used mostly to punish african-american for problems white people were having and needed someone to blame. from 1882-1968, 3,446 out of 4,743 people lynched in the united states were black. 4. i think trump used that word to describe the impeachment process because he probably feels that republicans are being punished for things they aren't responsible for and as a result, people want him to be impe

sno online papers

cartoons aren't what they used to be- 1. jackson grimes 2. how new tv shows on disney and cartoon netwrok aren't as good now as they used to be 3. "the years of good cartoons are almost over– if not already. that is because there aren’t any good cartoons anymore." 4. no 5. the author was not very wishy-washy with their opinion. the only time he stated a different opinion than his own was when he said, "there are still a few newer shows such as steven universe that has good ideas and creates a thoughtful plot that is fresh and new with well-formed characters such as garnet, pearl, steven, etc." 6. no 7. 1st baked bear best ice cream sandwiches in town- 1. sofia freed 2. baked bear ice cream has the best ice cream sandwiches 3. "baked bear is a fabulous place to cool off with friends after school, and is definitely a place i will return to." 4. no 5. the author was not wishy-washy with their opinion and only stated her opinion. 6. no

personal essays stories that make your blood boil or get you laughing out loud 2. if you’re writing about the “small” personal occurrence, put it in a context that gives the reader insight to both the small moment and the wider perspective.  3.write as evocatively as possible. employ all the senses. using sight comes naturally to most writers; push harder to convey ideas and images through sound, taste, touch, and hearing.  in a personal essay you have the freedom to think what you like on a subject, but your reader should go away with a good idea of why you feel that way. the hook is the device you use to get your reader’s attention. it’s the doorway through which you welcome and orient them to the piece.

current events quiz

1. a manufacturing plant to make dental aligners 2. wear fanny packs, some deals are too good to be true, know your surroundings, don't panic if you lose your friends, its ok to drink but stick to water, keep your eyes peeled for danger 3. more than 110 4. 114 5. alamo drafthouse of torment because i want to go to house of tourment and i love alamo drafthoouse 1. austin is planning on expanding in order to help lower-income families afford housing. 2. because a lot of people cannot afford expensive houses and if more people can afford houses, it could lead to less homelessness 3. 4. yes, because austin taking part in gentrification especially on the east side. 5. i have not had any housing issues. 6. i would probably suggest more apartment complexes because it can provide housing for a lot of families without taking up as much room as multiple houses  

ethics in the media

using the holocaust metaphor- PETA was sued in 2003 for their campaign comparing the holocaust to the death of animals for food. the campaign was banned in Germany and was upheld by the European Court of Human Rights. germany's PETA is currently trying to appeal the european law under free speech. i think that "Holocaust on Your Plate" is ethically wrong that has offending and distasteful content. using the Holocaust as a comparison between people killing animals for their pleasure can offend many people that were a part of the Holocaust. also, many can argue that the Holocaust was a lot worse and more serious than people killing animals for their needs/pleasure. when sources won't talk- jamilia gates, a former news editor for the parthenon learned that a campus sorority and fraternity had a gangsta- themed party. gates, who is african-american, was offended and felt like they were making fun of black culture. she wrote a letter to the former editor about her

opinions writing preview activity

construction's impact on the environment 1. doesn't say 2. how the construction is affecting the bowie environment 3. the author's opinion is that even though there is construction happening around us and that is changing our environment, we need to step us and do what we can to help. "as a community, we are responsible for our small ecosystem. because we are responsible for the surrounding wildlife we must do more to protect it now that construction has altered the balance existing amongst the environment." 4. no 5. no, because they never went off topic and disscussed other opinions 6. no 7. first person VSCO girls and the effect of stereotypes on teenagers. 1. maya amador 2. how vsco girls has been the biggest stereotype on teen girls 3. the author's opinion is how you should be yourself and not follow treads and be like everybody else. "if you don't try new things without worrying about what others think, you might miss out o something

the dispatch- news evaluation

phase one: parking lot complete 1. who: students and staff what: construction on campus when: 2019-2020 where: bowie high school why: to fix issues with not enough parking how: construction 2. parking lot A just finished being built and the construction company is working on the parking garage. the construction is planning to be finished by 2020. 3. jack whaley- direct  david murphy- direct   emma davis- indirect and direct 4. i don't think any of the transitions were opinions because all of the transitions can be proven with facts 5. i don't really think it does because i don't know what the other phases are 6. yes state votes in over 800 laws following latest session 1. who: people across texas what: 820 bills were signed into laws when: september 1st where: texas why: people in congress thought that more laws needed to be passed how: the governor signed some of the bills and some of the bills were passed without his signature 2. the addition of 820 la

media literacy

1. ABC News, Bloomburg, PBS 2. Daily Beast, Vanity Fair, Mic 3. Reason, The Weekly Standard, National Review 4. liberal- Patribiotics and Palmer Report     conservative- Infowars and WorldTruth.TV 5. opinions are thoughts that are not true and cannot be proven true 6. facts are thoughts that can be proven t be correct 7. informed opinions are thoughts that are made based off of facts but are not necessarily true 8. you could find facts for the dispatch from credible sources such as news websites 9. places like CNN or credible news sources 10. if a story includes words like, "i think" or "he believes" or "she thought" 11. "i think" "he believes" "she thought" 12. 1st 13. "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the governme