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huntington story

who: janice jones 
what: got shot in the leg by her dog
when: 10 pm
where: barstow california 
why: malnourished dog wanting food 
how: her dog knocked over the gun and it went off 

On December 3rd, chaos arose in Barstow Califorina when 53-year-old Janice Jones' dog shot her in the leg after knocking her 9 mm handgun off of a seat. The bullet went through her right leg and the side of her motor home. 

"It could have been worse," California Highway Patrol press liaison Tammy Rye said. "The bullet hit two inches from the gas tank."

Jones was transported to the Huntington Beach Hospital via ambulance and later was transported to Irvine Medical Center

"Janice is being treated right now and is going to be okay," Jim Washington, a spokesperson for Huntington Beach Hospital said. 

Jone's dog, a Pomeranian named Tombo was placed in the care of the Huntington Beach Animal Control officers where they discovered Tombo to be malnourished and with fresh cigarette burns on his head.  

"I think that if Janice feed her dog more and treated him right, this whole situation could have been avoided," said Janet Ngo, one of the animal control officers.

Ngo stated that the Huntington Beach Animal Control Center will be taking full custody of Tombo and look for a better home from him a soon as possible. He also mentioned how he plans to file charges of animal abuse against Jones.

"Jones treated her dog in such a poor manner, so action had to be taken," Ngo said. 

Earthquake story 

who: people in san francisco 
what: earthquake 
when: monday 10 pct
where: san fransisco bay 

Yesterday, an earthquake with a magnitude of 6.4 on the Richter scale hit the San Fransisco Bay area at around 10 am pct. The epicenter of the earthquake was the Hayward fault line under the Hayward Hills. 

"This was definitely one of the stronger hurricanes we've had recently," said Penny Gertz, a scientist from the U.S. Geological Survey in Menlo Park. 

McHenry's Auto Supply on Plum Street partially collapsed, killing two people and injuring six. Three of the six people injured were hurt seriously enough to require hospitalization and were transported to Hayward General Hospital. 

"Names of the dead are being withheld pending notifications of families" said Jennifer Vu, a public information officer from the Hayward Fire Department. 

Hayward resident Mike Beamer, whose apartment is across the street from McHenry’s, said he felt a rolling motion that lasted for about 30 seconds, with a big jolt coming in the middle.

“I was eating my breakfast when the room started rolling," Beamer said. "I dove under the table just as I heard an explosion outside and a chunk of cement flew through my kitchen window. That’s when the screaming start across the street.”

Hayward firefighters used ropes to stabilize the auto supply shop, conducting a search of the building and capped a gas line after detecting a gas leak at the site.

"Twenty-one fire personnel, 12 police and five American Red Cross workers responded to the building collapse, with some arriving within four minutes of the quake,"Vu said.


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